Velocity welcomes Conisbee

Engineering outfit Conisbee has joined the small but perfectly formed ranks of Velocity partners.


"It fits with our values," said Conisbee director, sustainability ace and bagpiper Allan Dunsmore. "Cycling, bringing people together in a combination of friendship and networking, and promoting active travel at all levels of ability.

"It's about inclusivity - not just full gas, drop everyone rides; it's more about being part of a community."

Conisbee is a cycle-friendly firm. "We've always had a fair amount of cycling commuters," Dunsmore said. "We have a massive bike shed and shower facilities, it's always been a thing. It's pretty basic, not like the new end of journey facilities you hear about, but it's always been there."

The company works hard to encourage staff to join its regular ride-outs, which demonstrate its all-inclusive approach to cycling. "Our receptionist came on a Boris bike and someone else borrowed a bike," Dunsmore said. "It's a good way to get team active." Velocity will be collaborating on forthcoming rides with Conisbee - more news shortly.

Meanwhile, Dunsmore's own cycling journey started back in 2002 when he joined Conisbee. "I was absolutely terrified of cycling in London," he recalls. "I lived in Loughborough Junction and a colleague in Kennington offered to guide me in the 6.5 miles to the office. On second-hand mountain bike."

Fast forward 14 years and Dunsmore joined a training ride for the 1,000-mile, six-day Cycle to MIPIM epic. "I went on a Club Peloton training ride to Brighton and back. I wasn't doing the MIPIM ride, but I thought I'd dip my toes in and see what it was all about. I met a lot of people who I still know now. It led to me doing three Cycle to MIPIMs in a row.

"There have been a quite a few of direct business opportunities unlocked from it. But the main thing is it's grown my network massively, and helped raise the profile of Conisbee in areas we weren't known before."

  • Pics by Andy Matthews, from the Dunsmore-led annual East Thames "urban gravel" ride, on 1 March. "We're riding through industrial wasteland, sewage farms and burnt out bikes, under the Dartford flyover," said Dunsmore. "It's quite 'out there'. Beyond Erith you're on top of flood defence, so some of it can be muddy, but most of it is hard packed so it just depends how wet the day is." On this day, it was wet. The ride was part of the N2B2C network for property types. 














London-Cambridge (offices n both)

20 ppl

Left office at 9ish


Through essex via Katheirtne wheel Pub


Pub in Cambridge



This time start at 10 so cambridge guys can come down and join


End of June? 28th June

Two groups - fast / slow


Ben in Cambridge - Cambridge to Norwich in midSpetember (Friday 13th) - office there too


Ppl we like!

Jack Carter

Kevin Gray

Tim bell

Daren Nathan

Few more clients?

Office developers especially


25 or so on any ride


Also project tour with architects and others - pootle plus bar CPD


Friday afternoon 2-3 hours

End of April?? 19th??


Ppl on Boris bikes etc - people who don’t normally do distance -  all inclusive




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